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Shrimpwear Logo

Gear up for an unforgettable experience because it's slay time shrimps!

Introducing the Mindblowon Shrimpwear - a phygital collection designed exclusively for the shrimps to commemorate our first year anniversary.

Unleash your inner shrimp and get dripped out with quirky yet stylish fashion, that's perfect for everyday wear.

Whether you're going to work, going on a first date, hanging out with your friends, or just about to go to sleep, Shrimpwear is a must need accessory.

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Claim Flow

Claiming your exclusive Shrimpwear Merchandise seamlessly!

Simply mint the Mindblowon Special Collection during minting period. Once you've secured the special collection, follow the step-by-step instructions provided to redeem your mind-blowing merchandise IRL.


Mint Special Collection NFT

Connect your wallet on the minting page and ensure that you have your Mindblowon Universe NFT. Select the phygital NFT that you want (Cap, Hoodie, T-Shirt, and Socks). Perks for holders include:

Discount Price

The discount given based on member level (number of NFT holds):

Shrimps (1 - 4 NFTs):Get 1 free tee, no discounted price
Jumbo Shrimp (5 - 9 NFTs):Get 1 free tee + 5% discount
Colossal (10 - 19 NFTs):Get 1 free tee + 10% discount
Super Colossal (20 ++ NFTs):Get 1 free tee + 20% discount


By holding at least 1 NFT (of any traits) you are eligible for 1 free Friends Tee, in addition if you hold any of the following traits you will receive additional freebies:

Special Traits (Special MBO character):Get 1 free cap + 1 free tee
Legendary Traits (Legendary MBO characters):Get 1 free hoodie + 1 free tee

Don't worry about the shipping cost, we got you covered. Watchout it is excluding the shipment tax.

Minting Period: 15th - 29th May 2023

Claim Physical Item

After the minting period ends, you can later on claim your physical product using your NFT. All you need to do is go to the claiming page and fill out your details for shipment requirements.

Claim Period: 19 June - 3 July 2023

Receive Physical Item

After claiming period, we will then ship out the Shrimpwear to your designated address. Be patient, because we'll get the folks from the Mindblowon Factory to produce the best quality for our community. Shipping info will be announced on a later date.

Frequently Asked Questions











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All Rights Reserved. All logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners. All contents of this document, unless otherwise credited, are copyright @ 2023 Mindblowon Universe

